Champion Steak with Creamy Mushrooms, Asparagus & Compound Butter - Serves two

Champion Steak with Creamy Mushrooms, Asparagus & Compound Butter - Serves two

Reverse seared tomahawk steak - Choose a steak with a great fat marbling and at least 30mm thick. This will give you a juicy, flavourful finished steak, whether it’s a tomahawk, rump or any other great steak cut available that lends itself to a medium rare finish.

The reason behind the reverse sear method is to bring the meat up to temp very slowly, allowing the meat to cook gently and the fat to render down, keeping more of the juice inside the steak and the fat to get nice and soft. Also letting the meat take on smoke while it cooks. The final part is to sear the steak off on an extremely hot cast iron pan or BBQ grill. This gives you the great caramelisation and crust on the outside of the steak that we all love and finishes the steak off to the desired temp.   

Ideally, you want to cook on a smoker and be able to introduce smoke in the first part of the process but you can cook in the oven then sear off in a cast iron pan at the end.

Reverse Sear Method - Set your BBQ up at 121c indirect and add chunks of seasoned wood (recommend cherry chunks) a little splash of olive oil rubbed on the meat and apply a great beef rub with plenty of salt and pepper and let it sit for 10 minutes. Place in the cooker indirect (away from the direct heat source) and let it cook until it reaches an internal temp of 49c. Take the meat off and loosely wrap in tin foil and rest for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, crank up the heat on the bbq or heat your cast iron pan to a high heat. Sear the steak off, flipping it every minute or so to get a great crust. Keep checking the temp with a digital probe and when it reaches a medium rare internal tempeture (54-58c) take it off. Loosely cover with tin foil and let it rest for 5-10 minutes and its ready to cut and serve.

Creamy Mushrooms - In a cast iron pan on medium heat add a good glug of olive oil and a large knob of unsalted butter. Once the butter melts add ½ cup of finely diced red onions and a pinch of sea salt. Give it a good stir to coat and cook for 5 minutes until they start to soften. Add 5 cloves of finely diced garlic and ½ tsp finely chopped fresh thyme. Keep stirring and keep a close eye on the pan as it can burn easily. Cook for 5 minutes then add ½ cup of a decent red wine and stir. Burn off the alcohol. (around another 5 minutes) You will know when it’s burnt off when you can smell the pan it it dosen’t burn your nostrils!

Add 4 cups of roughly chopped mushrooms of your choice and give a good stir. Add another knob of butter. The mushrooms will reduce in size and release a decent amount of liquid. Once reduced to half the liquid add 300ml of double cream and 2 tbsp of cream cheese and stir through. Reduce to a low heat and cook for another 10-15 minutes to thicken. Finish off by seasoning with sea salt and cracked pepper.

Compound Butter - Let 250gms of unsalted butter sit out on the bench at room temp for 2 hours to soften. In a medium bowl add the butter, 1 ½  tsp sea salt, ½ tsp finely chopped fresh thyme, ½ tsp finely chopped basil, ¼ tsp garlic powder and a good twist of black pepper. Mix together really well. Lay out a piece of glad wrap and spoon the compound butter into the middle. Fold over one edge and roll into a cylinder. Twist both edges tight and make a cylinder shape. Roll your hands over the butter to make a stubby cylinder around 100 mm long. Place in the freezer for half an hour to firm up.

Asparagus - Grab the middle and bottom end of each spear and gentle bend the asparagus. It will break off at the most tender part, leaving any tough part at the bottom. Discard this part (or make soup) Cook on a medium heat on a BBQ or pan. Once they get some nice, caramelised colour, season with sea salt and cook till tender. Add to a bowl and toss with a little olive oil and a little more sea salt.

Serving – Have the steak cooked and resting while cooking off the asparagus. Gently reheat the creamy mushrooms at the same time. Once the asparagus is cooked, set aside and slice your steak and place on the plate. Thinly slice the compound butter and sit on the sliced steak. Place the asparagus on the plate and spoon the mushrooms over the steak.

Steak Ingredients:

1 x good quality marbled steak. Preferably Ribeye, Sirloin or rump (at least 30mm thick)

Olive oil

Beef rub (or sea salt and cracked pepper)

Creamy Mushrooms Ingredients:

3 tbsp Lewis Road unsalted butter

300ml Lewis Road double cream

Olive oil

Sea salt

Cracked pepper

2 tbsp cream cheese

Half red onion finely diced

5 Cloves garlic finely diced

½ tsp finely chopped fresh thyme

½ Cup good red wine

4 cups Roughly chopped Mushrooms

Compound Butter Ingredients:

250gm Lewis Road unsalted butter

Cracked pepper

1 ½ tsp sea salt

½ tsp finely chopped fresh thyme

½ tsp finely chopped basil

¼ tsp garlic powder

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